Reuse Is Always The Best Recycle ALC Recycling wants to do their part in helping our Shenandoah Valley Community. We have created this section to show-case items that still have some life left in them before going to de-manufacturing. We would like to see these items go to families who could use them, so if you are (or you know of anyone) in need please contact us.
We have plenty of LCD Monitors On Hand.
If you need computer cabling call us. We would love to see these items go to use.
We have plenty of PS2 and USB Keyboards and Mice.
Note: We don’t like the idea of placing restrictions on potential users, but our goal is to find a needy home for these used electronics thus, we ask that you please not take advantage of this program if you intend on A) Reselling the items. B) Scrapping The Item For It’s Copper Cord/Metallic Contents C) Throwing Them Away After Use *The normal limit will be one item per household, per month.*